Marisa Peer – How to develop your self-belief in order to succeed

In order to succeed you need to believe that you can. You need to love yourself, nurture yourself and know that you are capable of achieving all your goals. Marisa Peer will definitely help you to overcome all your obstacles.
Marisa is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and leading celebrity therapist, and pioneering hypnotherapist Trainer. She has spent nearly three decades treating a client list that includes international superstars, CEOs, Royalty, and Olympic athletes. She has an unparalleled career in which she has helped thousands of people to overcome profound personal issues. She was once told she’d never be anything more than a nanny because she didn’t have what it took to be successful. She wasn’t smart enough. She wasn’t confident enough. She wasn’t talented enough. But Marisa defied her critics – and rather than become a nanny, she went on to become the No.1 therapist in the UK.

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Show Notes

Today is Marisa Peer. She's a world renowned famous speaker, therapist, and best selling author of 'Ultimate Confidence', and 'You Can Be Younger', and 'You Can Be Thin', and 'Trying to get Pregnant', and with nearly three decades of experience, she is named as a British therapist by 'Men's Health' magazine and featured in [inaudible] guides to Britain's 250 best doctors. She uses her experience to train CEOs, Olympic athletes, Royalty, and Oscar winning actors... and I don't know who else.

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