This interview is perfect for people who want to earn a lot of money with copywriting, for all network marketers, and for every entrepreneur who wants to become a millionaire by selling online products and services. Mike Dillard built his first million-dollar business by the age of 27, teaching small business owners how to effectively market their products and services online using “attraction-marketing” strategies. Since then, his businesses have produced more than $50,000,000 in revenue without outside funding. He explained why the ability to monetize your audience is directly proportional to the quality of the relationship that you have with that audience. We also talked about marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and writing good content. Basically, this is an interview that all entrepreneurs who want to become millionaires with businesses they are passionate about, need to listen to as soon as possible.
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Show Notes
Hello everybody, this is Warrior Family and I’m Smillion Mori. Welcome! I know
that you are all here because you want to create and live the life worth living. But
in order to create and live the life worth living, we must do something about it,
and my purpose within this show is to introduce you to the guest, their habits,
belief systems, hacks, so they can help you to become a better person and create
the life worth living. And today I have a special guest. His name is Mike Dillard.
He is an entrepreneur in Austin, Texas. He built his first million dollar business
by the age of 27, teaching small business owners how to effectively market their
products and services online, using attraction marketing strategies. Combined,
his businesses have produced more than $50 million in revenue without outside
funding. In 2017, Mike developed the world’s first fully automated hydroponic
system for food production, EverGrow. His primary company today is ‘Self Made
Man’, which provides the knowledge and skills entrepreneurs need in order to
achieve their goals in life and in business.