Ulyses Osuna – How to become an influencer and make a lot of money

It’s finally here! The interview all the influencers and future influencers were waiting for!
Ulyses Osuna is a 21 years old PR prodigy. He is a founder of ‘Influencer Press’, a PR firm that manages publicity for influencers and a few clients worth over $100,000,000. I asked hard questions and he DELIVERED. One of the most interesting things about him is that he worked for free for 2 years! If you are young and want to become big, you need to work for free and Ulyses will explain why. We talked about his family, his childhood and his battle with Russell-Silver Syndrome, a congenital condition, characterized by stunted growth and limb or facial asymmetry. He had to deal with bullying which made him stronger. We talk about influencers, making money, building a brand and making money. He told me his honest opinion about the educational system and the impact it has on entrepreneurship. This is an interview you really don’t want to miss!

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Show Notes

Hello everybody, this is Warrior Family and I’m Smillion Mori. I know you’re all here my friends because you believe that we can all create and live the life worth living, but in order to do this we have to do something about it. And my goal within this show is to bring you and introduce to my friends, guests, that can transfer their mindset, their strategies, their habits, their systems, that will help you create and live the life worth living. And today I have a very special guest, Ulyses Osuna.

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